Christmas is almost here, which means the New Year is approaching fast, and we all know what is on your New Years resolution list- because it always seems to be at the top of every one's list, because only 10% of people each year lose weight and KEEP it off. Do you really want to keep that nagging resolution on your list or do you finally want to CROSS it off?
As a holiday gift this year, if you receive a pair of jeans for Christmas- YOU can insure them! I will still need a receipt of course, just so that I know what to reimburse you for when you lose that weight, and you will still have to pay the 30% of the cost of the jeans to insure your jeans-- but it is still a deal, because you didn't have to pay for the jeans in the first place-- but you will still get the cost of the jeans back when you lose that weight- and YOU will! It is your year, it is your time to finally do it! No one is holding you back but YOU!
Don't forget to sign up for the 12 days of fitness here. It is almost time to start receiving fun workouts in your inbox everyday before Christmas to get you pumped to get to where you want to be.
Good luck and don't forget to insure you jeans, so you can be rewarded for all your HARD WORK!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Are you getting jeans for Christmas??
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The New Year will be here BEFORE you know it!

You can either click on the picture above or go here, and read about the 12 days of fitness. All you have to do is sign up at the bottom of the website for their "12 days of fitness" gift (for free!) and on December 10th you will start getting your free workouts and other gifts provided solely by fitness professionals who ONLY want to help you get to where YOU want to be!
So, let's get this party started. Don't wait to start when the new year gets here... NOW is as good as anytime!
You can still eat during the holidays, just focus on maintaining your weight, so that when the new year does get here- you aren't also trying to take off that extra 10 pounds you gained during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Look for daily tips on how to get through the holidays!
I'm here for you all the way- and we WILL get you that free pair of jeans!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lose a size doing the Extra Special K
for a free tee and all for a cause!
We have all seen the commercial for the "Special K" diet, where you replace your first 2 meals with a bowl of cereal (Special K, to be more specific) and then eat a sensible third meal. In just 2 weeks you could lose up to 1 jeans size doing this. I will be honest, I have never tried this before as it seems more of a "quick" fix and I'm not about "quick" fixes... I want you to KEEP the weight off, not just lose it for that special occasion.
However, sometimes it takes something like this to get you jump started as you see progress a little faster then normal and you are more likely to keep up with a healthy lifestyle, if you see changes. Right now, however, Special K is teaming up with celebrities and making donations to United Way and you can too. Lose a size doing their diet and then donate your jeans to United Way. If you do this- you will also get a cute free tee in return:)
Just thought, some of you might want to check it out. If you buy new jeans and insure them through me- I will allow you to send them into Special K as a donation vs. to me when you go down in size.
Either way - have a go at it and donate your no longer needed jeans to United Way.
For more information, check out the details here.
Good luck and no matter what have fun while on your way to a healthier lifestyle and losing weight.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Got Questions?? We've got answers!
1. Is this a scam?
I assure you this is not a scam. In fact - here is my personal family blog- RangersRus5, so that you can kind of get to know me and realize that I am a real stay at home mom, who has struggled with her own weight issues and going up and down in size and created Lose and Win Free Jeans to help motivate and reward men and women for their own hard work and weight loss.
2. When can I cash in on my jeans insurance?
As soon as you no longer fit into your jeans that you have insured and you are ready for a smaller size! Gaining weight and growing out of your jeans does not count. I want you to have the best body you can - and reward you for doing your best to get there- until you have successfully
reached your goal.
3. What if I lose weight and want to keep my jeans?
We do have an option where you are more then welcome to keep your jeans. I understand there
are many women out there who like to hang onto there jeans for many different reasons, usually as a safety net. If you would like to do this, then check out option #2 here. It is more of a "Body for Life" style. You will send me a "before" picture with you holding a newspaper of the week you send in your insurance money, or a sign of the date on a big piece of paper. You will also send me
along your measurements and weight. (and always a copy of the receipt of the jeans you would
like to insure) Then when you are ready to cash in, you send me your "after" picture and new
measurements and weight. Then wa-la, you get to keep your jeans and I send you the money you paid for your jeans!
4. How long does the insurance last?
The jeans that you decide to insure will last for 1 year. You have to insure your jeans within 1
week of buying them.
5. Why should I do this vs. going to a tailor and just getting them tailored?
You can go to a tailor if you would like. But the more jeans are worn, the more worn out they
become (especially with the new styles out today). This will give you a chance to get a brand new
pair without really being out of pocket. So, if you buy a 50 dollar pair of jeans, you would send me 30%, which ends up being 15 dollars. Then when you lose weight and cash in, I send you 50
dollars, and you get to buy another pair of jeans. With styles changing all the time, it is fun to stay up to date and get a great new pair of jeans! Having a good pair of jeans that fit you well, can really boost your confidence, and then that confidence spreads out into everything else you have to do in life. This is all about enjoying yourself- and if enjoying yourself is going to a tailor and keeping the same jeans, then go for it. I want you to do what makes you happy and will benefit you the most. If it were me- I'd take the shopping spree and go get a new pair:)
6. Is it worth it?
This is a question you will have to answer for yourself. I think it is worth it if you are serious
about losing weight, whether it is 10 pounds or 110 pounds. I think it is worth it if you are buying
jeans that are meant to last and that can take a chunk out of your pocket book, that you don't
want to be having to keep shelling out every other month, especially when you are serious about
losing it. If you go to a thrift shop and get a pair for 5 bucks- then I don't think it is worth it. Or if
you are on the fence about losing weight or not, then I don't think it is worth it. But that is where
you come in. Is this something you want to do and think that you are worth it?
7. What payments do you accept?
We accept Paypal at the moment. We also will take check or money orders as well. We will
have more payment options soon.
These questions have been the most frequently asked to date. If you have a question for me that has not been answered, please feel free to e-mail me at I'm with you all the way and I am pushing for you to get into that new pair of jeans, but in a smaller size!
Friday, July 11, 2008
To be a Kid again!
Do you remember being a kid and playing outside and running around with your friends til' you were called in for dinner? Don't you wish you could have that same energy and play around like that for exercise? How awesome would that be?
The other day I was sifting through my inbox and I came across an e-mail with a link on how to make fitness more fun! Hey- I''m up for anything that has the word fun in it. Check it out here-- maybe we can't BE a kid again- but we sure can feel like one!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
It is easier to do when you have a goal and plan in sight
I hope everyone is doing well on their weight loss journey! I will be uploading some success stories soon, of how much people have saved by insuring their jeans, and how well they have done and what they have done to succeed.
Here is just one tip I have found helpful in getting back on the "fitness" wagon. I seem to workout more when I have an end goal in site, like a 5K, or a fitness competition, or a triathlon, etc.... However - once I reach my end goal I decide to take a very long unnecessary break- which will stop NOW! I encourage each or you to look for an end goal to get you consistently working out and eating right, and then just stick with it-- make it a habit for good.
Here are 2 goals that I think are a great start. The first is Couch to 5K - if you are not a natural runner like me, this plan is great!
Another great plan is the 6 weeks to 100 push-ups challenge. I'm personally taking this one on right now! So far so good!
Getting to a healthy lifestyle takes one day at a time, until you have reached the point of habit, and then you just have to stick with it-- and not take super long breaks. It is much easier to fall off then get back on.
Good luck and I would love to hear what your goal is that is helping you be consistent in working out and staying in shape!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Winner's of Free Insurance!:)
Happy Memorial Day!! I hope to make 3 lucky winner's an even happier Memorial Day- the winners ARE:
1. Nisha
2. Laura
3. Kristaleeanne
Congrats girls! I'll be sending you each an e-mail very shortly with more details!
Thanks to the other ladies or entered- we will have plenty more giveaways to come:)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
1,000 visitors Giveaway!
We have reached over 1,000 unique visitors in a short time, and to celebrate I am giving away free insurance to 3 lucky winners! Leave a comment on this post, and you will automatically be entered. The insurance will cover a pair of jeans up to $100.00. The winners will be drawn and notified through e-mail as well as posted back here on my site on May 26th, which is Memorial Day! Please feel free to share this contest with any of your friends who are looking to lose weight- so that they can have a chance at getting their jeans insured for free... so I can buy them back from them when they need a smaller size. To find out how the insurance works go here. Good luck!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
I want you to be able to do this!
I want you to lose enough weight to be able to do THIS into your jeans:) And then send them to me and say you did!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
RESET is one of our first sponsors, and many more to come. I REALLY want to see you in those smaller size jeans- I want to help YOU get there-- and I'm providing sponsors that ONLY have your best interest at heart. I feel like RESET will do just that! Here is what it is all about.
Problem #1 A Quick Fix. Dieters often drastically restrict their calories or food choices now but return to their old habits once they reach their goal. SOLUTION: Permanent lifestyle changes are needed to achieve sustained weight loss.
Problem #2 Fad Diets = Unbalanced Nutrition. Too often, diets focus on specific types of foods or nutrients and disregard the importance of everything else, leading to unbalanced nutrition. SOLUTION: For optimal nutrition, our bodies need a balanced variety of nutrients, including the right types of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Problem #3 The High-Glycemic Trap. Eating high-glycemic foods can sabotage even the best of diet plans because the resulting spike and subsequent drop in blood sugar leads to a more rapid return to feelings of hunger. SOLUTION: A better approach focuses on low-glycemic carbohydrates, which help to moderate blood glucose levels, leaving you feeling full and satisfied longer.
WHY YOU CAN SUCCEED: Thousands of people just like you have avoided these pitfalls of dieting and discovered a healthier, happier lifestyle with USANA Health Sciences. With USANAs solution, the exclusive RESET program, you too can achieve success. Better yet, you will start to see real change in as little as five days.
RESET is a jumpstart to healthy living. The program is simple. For five days you replace your meals and snacks with USANA's delicious foods. The program also includes USANA's world-class nutritional supplements, which provide your body with the essential micronutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In five days with RESET, you can: *lose those first few pounds, *curb hunger through low-glycemic foods, *launch your healthy lifestyle by breaking poor nutritional habits.
The Next Step to Success: To keep up the momentum you have built with RESET, USANA has designed two simple programs to help make your healthy new habits a way of life.
Transform. To continue losing weight after completing RESET, replace two meals and two snacks each day with USANA foods and eat a healthy, low-glycemic dinner. You should also gradually introduce more exercise into your life. Once you reach your weight loss goal, be sure that healthy eating becomes a lifelong habit with the Maintain program.
Maintain. Continue to replace one meal and one snack each day with USANA foods and eat a healthy low-glycemic lunch and dinner. Be sure to keep active with regular exercise. Follow this program every day for optimal health.
For more information about losing weight with RESET, contact Nisha Riggs at
Thanks Nisha for sponsoring us and for the great support you will be to many of our clients!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Recent publicity
I can't tell you how excited I was to find 2 recent articles written about Lose and Win Free Jeans! The internet is amazing, and you never know who may be lurking about to discover your business and give their opinion.
The first article was written by Lela Davidson over at Business Pundit: Jean Insurance Serves Micro-niche. - Thanks so much Lela- your opinion means a lot to me- even though I don't know you! It was great to see an article about my new company!
The 2nd article can be found over at: Denim Therapy. Denim Therapy is such a cool company in NYC. Check out what they do here.
Any kind of publicity is good publicity (even bad publicity- because it gets your name out there.)
Check out these articles and let me know what you think. Comments are always welcome.
Bertie Ranger
The site is now accepting applications for sponsors. If you are interested in advertising on my site, please e-mail me at I've have already had some interest in this area- and thought I would throw it out there for everyone, before choosing who I would like to be sponsored on my site. Thanks so much! Soon- I'll have a t-shirt like this - but with all of YOUR names on it instead!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Some fit tips!
1. I'm sure some of you have noticed the music I have put on the site. It is for a very good reason. Music can motivate, it can keep you going when you feel like giving up, it can get you revved up to start your workout, it can help set the tone for a great workout.
That is why I have chosen to put 2 songs from the Rocky soundtrack for you to hear every time you come to my site. Be inspired, be motivated and get moving! Put some heart-pumping music onto your iPod and just get out and go! (or stay inside and jump around and dance) :)
2. Accountability helps you stay on track. Stick with people that have the same goals as you. Message boards and forums are a great way to meet people who have either been there, are going through it, or are just starting out-- but either way- they all are there to support each other and to be supported! A few that I have found that seem to have a very tight community and are very welcoming to newbies are: 3 Fat chicks, Oxygen forums, and the Self Forums.
I encourage you to join one of these forums and share your story and your journey with others. There is nothing like knowing you are not alone in this- and knowing that it CAN be done!! All the forums are absolutely free!
Good luck and keep on losin' so you can get your free jeans!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's time for YOU to make money!!
Over the last 2 weeks I had a contest running and the prize was 75 bucks towards a new pair of jeans. I'm all for this kind of contest, but only one name is drawn at the end of the contest, which means only one winner. This time I thought you ALL can be winners. I've developed a "referral program" where you get 5 dollars each time someone signs up because of you. You will each receive your own personal ID number most likely your first and last initial and 2 of your lucky numbers. I have created a flier that I can send to you as an attachment and you can either put them at your place of work, on cars at your gym, at the front desk of your gym if they let you, give them to your kids to hand out at the park to parents, get creative! You are not limited to using these fliers, you can use and do whatever you want! Go shout it off a mountain top, put it on the jumbotron at a play off game, seriously- anything you want! For each and every person who purchases jean insurance, and puts in your referral number, you WILL get 5 dollars.
This is open to anyone, anywhere, whether I know you or not, or how you happened upon the site. If you are interested in doing this please e-mail me at, and I'll get the referral number you want to use and send you the attachment.
We will do this through the month of May. The person who brings in the most clients will receive an additional 50 bucks!! Good luck and let's get this game started.... so that you can "Shout for Joy" like the guy pictured above!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
May Promotion
We are all about prizes and giving discounts and rewards for all of our clients who lose weight, body fat, inches - whatever it is that you are doing to get fit.
If you purchase jean insurance anytime in the month of May then you will get an extra 10 dollars given back to you, when it is time for you to get new jeans. So, if you buy a 50 dollar pair of jeans, insure them, then when they become too big for you to wear anymore - then I'll give you 60 bucks for them, instead of 50! So, that would be 60 dollars you could spend towards your next pair.
Reward yourself!!! You deserve it:)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Another option NOW available!
So, we now know you can insure your jeans... however, there is a new option, where you don't have to send me back your old pair, and I'll still pay you for them!
If you would like to opt for this option, then we will have to have inches and pictures on file, like Body for Life. This way, you can hold onto your old jeans "just in case."
Same insurance method applies, 30% of the cost of your jeans, copy of the receipt and just add a "before" picture with a newspaper in hand, and your measurements.
Good luck, and the contest below is still going on as well!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
To start out with a BANG, I'm giving away 75 dollars in a drawing to one lucky winner. To find out how to be entered, go to for the rules! Good luck and ANYONE is welcome to do this:)
Monday, April 14, 2008
This is how it works!
Some might say this is too good to be true.... and I'd agree 110%! But- it IS true, and I'll show you how step by step.
First - YOU get to go shopping! Yes- go shopping and buy some jeans that you absolutely love, or will at least tide you over until you can slip into your favorite pair again. Now BUY THEM!
Second - INSURE your jeans through me. To insure a pair of jeans is only 30% of the cost of your jeans. Heck, you want to buy 12 and insure 12, then I'll even insure you for all 12.... (and I'll give discounts to my best customers:)) So, if you buy a pair of jeans for $50, then all you have to pay is $15 to insure.
Third - Lose weight! This way you can get a FREE pair of jeans, when your old ones are too big! If you still think you need to lose more weight- we will do it all over again! You will go shopping, buy a new pair and insure them- and the circle continues, and you DON'T break the bank! How does that sound??
How does the insurance work you ask?
Easy! So, you have now purchased your 1st pair of jeans you would like insured. You send me 30% of the cost of your jeans along with the receipt for your jeans (after you know you like them enough not to return them) and letting me know what size you purchased. Now go workout and eat right for a little bit, and before you know it you will be needing a smaller size. Here is where the insurance kicks in.... you will send me your old jeans that no longer fit..... and I will then send you a check (or paypal) for whatever the amount your original jeans came to. So, if your receipt that you sent me was for 50 dollars- then I'll send you 50 dollars. If it was for 250 dollars, I'll send you 250 dollars. Then, you go out and buy a new pair and if you want to insure that pair, it all starts over again. Either way- you lose, but YOU WIN!!!
We also have a NEW option where you do not have to send me your old jeans! Check it out.
Paypal payments are accepted with all major credit cards or a bank account and you are more then welcome to scan your receipt to my e-mail address, or you can take a digital picture of it and send it to me through e-mail as well, as long as I can see it clearly!
Also, at the end of every month, one lucky person will get their insurance money back, and their jeans will still be insured.
Insurance is good for one year per pair of jeans! (So, you have a whole year to go down one size - YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT!)
Insurance money cannot be refunded for any reason, unless you are the lucky winner at the end of the month. The more you insure the less you have to pay.
So, who is ready to start losing for free jeans?! Eventually I'll be insuring anything pants, skirts, dresses... the possibilities are endless! I'm starting with jeans, so let's get to losin'!:)
Bertie Ranger
This is how it began........
I recently purchased a pair of cute bermuda jean shorts for the summer. I guess I'm at that stage where I'm "in between" sizes because I couldn't decide on whether I should get the bigger size or the smaller size. The bigger size fit kind of nicely, but if it fit like that after being washed, then what will happen after a day or 2. The smaller size was a little snug, but would fit perfectly later in the afternoon after being stretched a little. Well, I opted for the bigger size, and now I feel dumb. They are practically falling off of me. I was feeling sorry for myself, because here I have just bought a new pair of jean shorts to last me through the summer, and I've taken the tags off.... and I want the smaller size!!
This got me to thinking. I bet that there are a lot of people out there, who still want to lose weight (like me) but they don't want to hold out on buying new clothes until they are their perfect size, but they don't want to go walking around in their old baggy clothes either- and if you have a lot of weight to lose- this could mean going down a size quite often and that can get expensive. So what is a girl or guy to do??
My proposal?! JEAN INSURANCE!! That is right! I'm offering you a chance to purchase insurance on your jeans! What kind of jeans?? Doesn't matter- you get to pick what kind of jeans you want and you buy them anywhere you want and then you get me to "insure" them.
Is your interest peaked? Then keep reading.... and I'll explain exactly how it works, and why you will want to purchase jean insurance and how you can lose to win FREE JEANS!