Friday, May 9, 2008

Some fit tips!

1. I'm sure some of you have noticed the music I have put on the site. It is for a very good reason. Music can motivate, it can keep you going when you feel like giving up, it can get you revved up to start your workout, it can help set the tone for a great workout.

That is why I have chosen to put 2 songs from the Rocky soundtrack for you to hear every time you come to my site. Be inspired, be motivated and get moving! Put some heart-pumping music onto your iPod and just get out and go! (or stay inside and jump around and dance) :)

2. Accountability helps you stay on track. Stick with people that have the same goals as you. Message boards and forums are a great way to meet people who have either been there, are going through it, or are just starting out-- but either way- they all are there to support each other and to be supported! A few that I have found that seem to have a very tight community and are very welcoming to newbies are: 3 Fat chicks, Oxygen forums, and the Self Forums.

I encourage you to join one of these forums and share your story and your journey with others. There is nothing like knowing you are not alone in this- and knowing that it CAN be done!! All the forums are absolutely free!

Good luck and keep on losin' so you can get your free jeans!!


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